Maria Soto
read more"The people like Ruby Duncan who are actively trying to expand [welfare], they're literally looking the beast in the mouth and being…
Dr. Erica Holloman-Hill
read more"I am very intentional with the gift that God has given me in terms of being a thread to connect the pieces…
Charlesetta Lee
read more "Being raised in the welfare system is generational. It's almost like a generational curse. Because it's a hamster wheel. You're trying to…
Stephanie Moore
read more "If you’re going to treat especially our neighbors from the South, from the Central and South American countries, you need to look…
Jackie Toomer
read more "I was self employed. But I lost my home to a predatory lender. So I lost my business. And I went down…
Lindsay Cassella
read more"Gabriella was 14 when her pregnant mother passed away, leaving her and her father to raise her newborn sister with their devastation…