Maria Soto
read more"The people like Ruby Duncan who are actively trying to expand [welfare], they're literally looking the beast in the mouth and being…
Dr. Erica Holloman-Hill
read more"I am very intentional with the gift that God has given me in terms of being a thread to connect the pieces…
Amani Seay
read more "We still have a long way to go in truly valuing how all women show up, in all facets of work and…
Mary Black-Wright
read more "There’s always room for growth… When people say, oh I remember the good old days, I don’t remember that. I remember, don’t…
Eshe Shukura
read more "I loved guaranteed income. But I often was like, I don't want it to feel like dignified welfare, I think it is…
Lydia Dunnington
read more "As far as we know now, there was probably all types of storms swirling around us, but that rehearsal room and what…
Miriam Aydoun
read more“It's never one woman in your path. It's never just one woman. I would say, if there is anybody, I would say…
Charlesetta Lee
read more "Being raised in the welfare system is generational. It's almost like a generational curse. Because it's a hamster wheel. You're trying to…